
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just A Reminder

This week has been "one of those weeks". I needed a little reminder to be patient(this is not one of my strong points)! I met a great woman today who made me think about things and the way they all fall into place. While I do believe this to be true, it's not always easy to remember. Good things happen tho those who wait. I needed a little inspiration and I found this. I hope you have a happy Friday!!
                                                               XO- Nicki

Monday, September 5, 2011

" A Few New Things"

Well it's Labor Day and probably one of the most relaxing days I've had in a long time! The weather is perfect. It makes me so excited for the months to come.  I was able to do a little shopping this weekend and founds some great things, so I wanted to share them with you!

My new favorite nail polish is Deborah Lippman " Glitter In The Air"

Joes Jeans "The Visionnaire" These are higher waisted therefore very flattering if you have a little tummy! These might be the softest jeans I've ever owned, they feel like you are wearing leggings.

My new go to Fall pump! Love the Rust color and the size of the heel. DV by Dolce Vita
As you can see I had a successful shopping trip. I feel like I have all the essential pieces for my fall wardrobe.

As if my weekend could get any better! I had a few of my friends over for a wine tasting. I had everyone bring their favorite bottle of red and white, along with a special appetizer. These are some of the pictures I have to share with you......

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend too. Until next time.......
